
Hi, there! I’m Fiorella, and thanks so much for visiting my site!  A little about me: I was born and raised in the U.S. but my family is from Costa Rica. I have dual citizenship, am fluent in Spanish, and love dancing to latin music. Though I’ve never lived there, growing up I’d spend my three month summer vacations at my grandparents’ house – practically my entire extended family is there and it’s where I felt I most belonged. It’s a cultural thing. Before I was ever engaged I had decided I was going to get married in Costa Rica – the only way my whole family would be able to attend – and thank God, in 2016 my dream came true. Five years later my first child was even baptized there, in a small chapel my great aunt built in her backyard. Super special and I am super grateful.  

I’ve been with my husband for a really long time, having dated for six years before getting married, and by the time we did we had spent more time long-distance than not. We have two kids, Lucas and Lia, and our first baby, a very sweet but anxious Border Terrier named Lenny. (And no, we did not mean to pick all “L” names.) 😂

So why did I name my blog Little Flower Big Voice? Well, my name is Fiorella which is Italian and means little flower. I’ve always spoken up for what I believed in and often suffered the consequences, starting from a young age. Though it was painful and lonely, I have never regretted being true to myself, my values, and principles. The alternative of staying silent and compromising my faith and beliefs is far worse. I just can’t sit by and keep quiet when I know something is not right and/or may harm others. I first had the idea to start a blog after I went through 2 months of hell immediately following my son’s birth (undiagnosed acid reflux and cow milk protein allergy). Motherhood has changed me in ways I never dreamed of, setting me on a path of discovery, where beliefs I had thought to be true turned out to be lies. It took almost six years to write my first post but I finally did. I guess it’s fitting, since I’m late to EVERYTHING (except my wedding!). Hey, what can I say? It’s in my blood; I’m Hispanic. 😉

Pura vida! 🇨🇷🇺🇸

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